Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Hundreds of families displaced as floodwater enters settlements in eastern Kailali district Of Nepal

Hundreds of families have been displaced from their homes after flood swelled rivers entered several settlements in the eastern parts of Kailali district owing to incessant rains since Tuesday night.

Hundreds of families displaced as floodwater enters settlements in eastern Kailali district

Nine wards of Bhajini Municipality have been inundated as floodwaters from Kandhra, Kada, Pathariya and Mohna Rivers entered the settlements since yesterday night.

A team of rescuers from Armed Police Force, Nepal Police and Nepal Redcross Society is relocating the residents to safe places.

Inspector Janak Bahadur Dhami of the Area Police Office, Bhajini informed that settlements in ward nos. 3, 5 and 8 have been completely inundated by the floodwaters.

According to Dhami, floodwaters from Pathariya River has inundated Krishnanager Kadadhik, Chhela, Lalbojhi villages in ward no 8. While the flooded river has also entered Dailekhtol in ward no 3 and Kuliyapur, Dhusi and Janakpur among other villages in ward no 5.

Floods inundate settlements in Kanchanpur and Banke districts

“Efforts are underway to rescue the affected locals and locate them at higher grounds including the postal roads and school buildings,” said Dhami.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Important of Nature

Love nature get prosperous  life

Imagine a world where there are no trees, no blue skies, no birds, and no animals. If this Earth we live in had indeed been a place like that, we would probably never have seen it, because we would not have existed at all. Humans are very much a part of nature, even though we have apparently distanced ourselves from it. Even today, when we are
 highly self-sufficient, there is no doubt that we are extremely dependent on nature. We do not just draw inspiration from nature; we draw our very resources for survival.

6 reasons why nature is important to us

In this article, let us see how nature impacts and influences our daily lives.

Provides nourishment

The most important contribution of nature to human life is, of course, food It would be impossible to continue to survive on the planet if we did not get nutrition from the planet itself. Imagine if there was no nature around us. That would mean no crops would grow, no animals would roam, and no plants would be there to bear fruits and flowers. The seas, rivers, and ponds would not be there either to provide us with water. There would be literally nothing to eat or drink. Since prehistoric times, man has secured from nature; initially by hunting animals and gathering fruits, then graduating to growing crops, and finally transitioning to our modern kitchens. Today, we can cook delicious dishes and drink purified water, but none of that would be possible had not nature provided us with the raw ingredients.

Provides power

As humans living in the twenty first century, it is impossible to imagine life without electricity  And we get these resources from nature itself. The wind, water, and the sun give us our electricity to power everything from our household appliances and motor vehicles to industrial machinery. The coal and oil reserves are created out of deposits of fossilized plants and animals, proving that nature keeps on giving even after it is long dead. The minerals and metals that we need to build everything from mobile phone to wind turbines are all mined from the earth, where they occur naturally.

Air to breathe in

The very air we breathe is part of nature itself. It is this unique mix of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and other gases that makes the air breathable, and the planet a liveable place for us. Without this composition, no living being would be able to survive on the planet. The importance of balance of this composition becomes evident when we disrupt this balance; for instance, places with high air pollution become unliveable, with the people and animals becoming susceptible to diseases that lead to a life span cut brutally short.

Balanced ecosystem

Nature maintains a wonderfully balanced ecosystem. Each animal and plant has a purpose to serve, and anything that becomes redundant is wiped off, gradually or at once. Every being in the system is self-sufficient, drawing nourishment from the resources available around themselves. Most importantly, it is a symbiotic relationship among all the members of the system, which means that even the smallest of disruptions can have pretty serious consequences on the entire ecosystem.

Sheer force

Even today, when we are technologically sufficient and extremely advanced, we are absolutely at the mercy of nature. This is proven every time a natural calamity strikes- be it a hurricane, a tsunami, or an earthquake. Even today, we know of no way to stop them; in case of earthquakes, we cannot even predict them. All we can do is run for cover when the disaster strikes, and then emerge to survey the damage once it is over. It is the sheer power of nature over us that keeps us on our toes.


Finally, nature is a potent muse. From poets to artists to the mist prosaic soul, you would be hard put to find a person who is not enthralled by the sheer beauty of nature. Nations earn billions in revenue from tourism thanks to their natural beauty, and great works of art have been created from the inspiration nature provides us.


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